Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Blessings vs Consequences.

Blessings really?  Okay so this might come across harsh...but that is the "blessing" of having this blog....I can say what is on my mind and heart!  I hope I can articulate my thoughts, so here goes nothing....

I know someone whom I think, overuses the word "blessings"! We all have choices and with those choices come consequences, whether it be positive or negative results...they are indeed the consequences of our choices!  When someone uses their personal emotional life-drama as a platform to manipulate others for personal gain, whether they are aware that they are doing this or not, then it is not a blessing, is it? But, I believe when we are spiritually connected to whatever choice we are making and the results turn out positive, it is a blessing from God. A blessing to me is all those little things in life that come about naturally during your day, week, month or year that affect your life in a positive way know, kind of like a change in course; following your instincts and it turns out better than you imagined;  the unexplainable maybe?  Blessings and consequences get muddle up sometimes or are lump together as one.  Choice, decisions, consequences are all characteristics of an active participant in life....blessings are spiritual gifts from God that help us make better choices in life!

So watch your ego you "blessed" one! :)

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