Friday, January 21, 2011

African me.

I have always felt out of place in this country and probably will always feel that way! It has been 20 years now that I have been living in the USA and it is still so amusing to watch peoples reaction when I answer THAT question for the millionth time..."I like your accent, are you from Australia or England?". Believe me people, that is THE question!!!! :)  Just today, a very nice young black man walked passed our car and saw the South Africa flag proudly hugging the gas tank lid, he inquired about the flag and from which country it represents...blah blah blah.  He cracked up laughing, "For real, you are from South Africa?" he said, with eyes and mouth wide open with surprise and amazement written all over his face. I think his hand was even up in the air! :) And then that statement/question came again, "But you are not black???".  "No" Lawrence said, "but we are proudly African American".  With a grin from ear to ear, still standing looking at us...he walked away shaking his head and chuckling out loud! :)  I love that!  I love the interaction with people, the never ending questions, etc., but after all these years it still the same, the same reactions, the same never ending I guess that is how it will be! I look American but sound Australian/English....whatever,  I am South African  heart, soul and mind very proud I am!

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